Submental Liposuction

No sagging under the chin with Submental Liposuction! Sagging in the area under the chin is caused by genetics or being overweight. The lower chin area extends from the chin to the lower part of the neck. Changes occur in areas of the body due to aging, and one of these areas is the area under the chin. The chin becomes double shaped due to the accumulation of fat and sagging under the chin. But with the advancement of medicine, there is a possibility to get rid of this problem by cosmetically lowering the jaw through Submental Liposuction.

What is the problem of double chin?

The appearance of a saggy chin makes a woman look older and fatter than she is. Under-chin enlargement also affects the appearance of the lower part of the face, making the chin line appear smaller. If you see that your chin is saggy and very prominent when you look in the mirror, you can start looking for cosmetic options for the jawline. In the developing world of cosmetology, there is now more than one solution and treatment possibilities for the problem under the double chin.

Under chin beautification method

Lower jaw surgery can be performed using Submental Liposuction. The fat accumulated in the area cannot be dissolved by traditional methods. If you cannot get rid of fat despite diet and exercise, you can find the solution in the liposuction method. Liposuction is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. In this procedure, which takes an average of an hour, the excess fat in the lower jaw is removed using thin cannulas. After liposuction, there is no visible scar on the skin. It aims for the patient to have a smooth jaw by hiding the traces of the lower chin behind the ear.

How to get Submental Liposuction

Submental Liposuction surgery is performed through incisions made behind the ear. In this operation, which is performed under general or local anesthesia, the sagging appearance of the jaw is cut and removed from the body. The skin hanging from the remaining jaw is stretched and sutured to the jaw line. After chin lift surgery, your chin looks beautiful, not saggy and fit. The neckline will stand out in the front and the jawline will be more prominent. You will notice that you look thinner and younger. One week after chin lift surgery, the pain of the surgery will be gone and the swelling will decrease. You will be able to return to your daily life a week after the surgery.

Submental Liposuction liposuction cost

Submental Liposuction prices vary according to the application to be performed. You can get information about double chin surgery prices and lower  chin fat removal prices by contacting a clinic approved by the Ministry of Health.  Submental Liposuction prices are affected by the experience of the plastic surgeon who will perform the operation and the quality of the hospital in which the operation will be performed. You can do a good research on this subject before deciding on a lower chin lift.