Hair transplant is a popular surgery that can meet the expectations of patients with hair problems that require attention, care, professionalism as well as continuous innovation and difference at every stage.


Today, as the demand for hair transplant increases, a new technique is emerging for each stage.

Sapphire blade (Sapphire Percutan) technique is a channel opening tool that can give the most accurate angle size and depth to the tissue for the placement of grafts (Hair follicles) in the hairless area used in the minimally invasive phase (canalization) of hair transplantation, and the hair density can be adjusted comfortably.

As the name suggests, the special sharp tips produced from sapphire mine are one of the biggest features that distinguish them from the metal slit method that we know as normal, by opening micro holes in the tissue in a minimal way, minimizing the scab and tissue damage that occur in hair transplantation.

Thus, the scab and healing time of the patient is shortened. Another feature is that these channels opened with the Sapphire blade (Sapphire Percutan) directly affect the natural appearance, frequency and direction of the hair in a positive way. For this reason, the channel opening phase of hair transplantation is the biggest factor affecting the operation result.



In the operation where sapphire FUE will be performed, the grafts taken one by one with the FUE device are taken in specially prepared sterile water, the graft length is measured and the appropriate sapphire tip size is selected according to the graft size. With these newly developed smooth and sharp sapphire tips, the channel opening phase is performed by giving an angle of 45 degrees.

Some hair transplant centers claim that the hair can be transplanted between 70-100 grafts per cm² in the front line and thus a natural and dense appearance will be achieved. This claim is a rumor that is not possible with the Sapphire technique and metal slit method because when the canal is opened with a right angle without giving a degree with either sapphire or slit knife, a big problem will arise in the graft transplantation process and hair direction, and it will take the image of a grass man that patients are afraid of among the public.