Lip Lift Operation (Bulhorn)

Get tighter, more prominent and elegant lips with lip lift surgery! We all dream of a vibrant, dynamic and radiant upper lip lift. With the advancement of medicine and technology, achieving this dream has become very easy. Doctors can now perform an operation on the upper lip and pull the skin of the lip upward. Lip lift surgery or lip lift operation is one of the most common methods in this field. Keep reading to learn more about this surgery.

What is a lip lift operation?

Lip lift surgery is a procedure that is performed to correct sagging lips and to make the red part of the lip more prominent and fuller. In lip lift surgery, tissue that begins under the base of the nose and extends to the lip is removed. The skin is placed downward towards the base of the nose and sutured. In this way the width of the skin part of the lip is reduced and its length is shortened. This part affects the part located between the middle column of the nose and the erosive arc of the pink part of the lip. The length of the lip in this area is usually between 15-25 mm, and the length can be different depending on the person, gender, structure and age. This distance can be reduced by 5-10 mm with lip lift surgery.

To whom is lip lift surgery applied?

Lip lift surgery is performed in order to lift and clarify the lip, especially in patients whose upper lip is very thin, the red part is not visible, and the lip arc is not very visible when viewed from the other side. Lip lift surgery can be performed on people whose lips are of normal size but want to look tighter. Lip lift surgery is applied to patients who aim to show their teeth more smile while talking and laughing. With time and aging, sagging of the face occurs, and in these patients, the length of the lip also grows and the lip becomes thinner. For this purpose, it can be performed to make the patient look younger by eliminating sagging.

How is lip lift surgery performed?

Lip lift surgery can be done easily under local anaesthesia. However, general anesthesia can also be used if the patient so desires. If the patient wants to perform a combined operation with other surgeries, it is preferable to perform it under general anesthesia in the hospital. A lip lift usually takes about 45 minutes. With this surgery, excess skin tissue is removed and the underlying skin up to the red part of the lip is released. After that, the skin is fixed with stitches. The process then ends.

How is the recovery process after lip lift surgery?

The person returns to his normal life and swelling occurs in the lip area for 3 days, and this swelling will gradually reduce after that within a period of up to a week. The sutures heal with the skin and are removed within 5-7 days. At this point, the patient may feel numb lips, decreased movement, and tension while laughing. However, the medications that will be administered will help the patient to pass this stage more comfortably. If the patient wishes, the patient can use the rouge on his lips.