Lipofilling (whole face)

What is Lipofilling for face? Lipofilling is a cosmetic procedure that can be applied not only to the face but also to different parts of the body. The purpose of this procedure is to correct abnormalities that occur in the skin for any reason. Lipofilling technique is used to fill the face in order to obtain fuller skin or to obtain a more aesthetic appearance even if there are no aesthetic problems in the face.

How is Lipofilling applied?

In general, local anesthesia is preferred for  Lipofilling procedure. It can be performed under general anesthesia in some cases. General anesthesia may be necessary, especially if more than one intervention is to be applied. After the fat is collected from the patient's body, it undergoes various processes such as washing and centrifugation to prepare for the injection. This fat is then transferred by injection under the skin. In this way, the application of fat injection to the face is completed. The procedure usually takes 30 to 60 minutes. However, if the face has irregular collapses and deformations due to various reasons, the injection procedures may take longer.

Will Lipofilling provide permanent fullness for face?

How long the fullness will stay after Lipofilling depends on several factors. The more stable the fat is in an individual's face, the more likely the result of a facial fat injection will be permanent. The fat injected into the face for fuller cheeks will be permanent as long as the individual maintains his or her body weight. However, weight loss is associated with a loss of fat throughout the body. Thus, the fat obtained by injection will also be lost if the person gains weight.

Where is the fat used in Lipofilling injections collected?

The fat used in Lipofilling is collected from the patient's body. It is generally preferred to collect the fat to be injected in the face from the abdomen because the abdomen is the most common area for fat accumulation for almost everyone. Fat can also be collected from the waist or hips. In short, many parts of the body can be used to collect fat. It can also be collected from the under-eye area to get rid of under-eye bags at the same time. Also, fat can be collected from the arms and legs.

What are the things that must be taken into account after Lipofilling?

After the procedure is completed, a cold compress is placed on the injection site. Its goal is to reduce potential swelling. However, a cold compress does not cause any discomfort to the patient. Because ice or cold gel packs are placed on the injection site every 15 minutes. There may be slight swelling in the area of the procedure for two days. The swelling may last longer in the lip area and the size of the swelling may be slightly larger compared to fat injections in other parts of the face. The face can be washed a day after the fat injection in the face.